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As timespan units span a variety of bases (1000 below seconds, 60 for second and minutes, 24 for hours, and 7 for days), the range of the input data determines the base used for calculating breaks


breaks_timespan(unit = c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks"), n = 5)



The unit used to interpret numeric data input


Desired number of breaks. You may get slightly more or fewer breaks that requested.


All breaks_() functions return a function for generating breaks. These functions takes, as their first argument a vector of values that represent the data range to provide breaks for. Some will optionally take a second argument that allows you to specify the number of breaks to recieve.


demo_timespan(seq(0, 100), breaks = breaks_timespan())
#> scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks_timespan())